
Wednesday, July 8, 2009

How this particular journey began

After years of working in corporate settings (where I always "found" myself in a teaching role), I'm teaching undergraduate business students about strategy. When asked if I would teach a pilot course with an honors class, I didn't hesitate for a minute to say "sure." Only afterward did I begin to question what it would take to modify-develop-teach an existing 6-hour course and (1) achieve the course objectives (it's a core course taught by several qualified people; we all teach to the same objectives), (2) prepare students for the challenges of collaborative work, (3) work with (rather than against) the digital-electronic-technology lifestyle of today's students, and (4) practice what I preach.

But the more I've explored the possibilities, the more enthusiastic I've become. There are so many ways to incorporate collaboration, problem-solving, research (not the way we did it when I was in school...card catalogues), and technology—more to offer than time to offer it. And I’m intrigued by the opportunities to bring business knowledge and experience to our students via online collaboration with people in various businesses across the country…or the world.

So, part of the learning-teaching component (for me) is experiencing the power of online collaboration, problem-solving and research. Since a web log (blog) is one component of the pilot course, I'll be using this blog to chronicle how I started this journey, where it takes me, the milestones (and missteps), and, eventually, feedback from the 30+ students who'll be joining me in August.

Input from my teaching peers is welcome. I'll continue to need assistance from the instructional design and technology groups (both of whom are awesome, by the way). I would appreciate some old-fashioned keep-me-honest input from colleagues who are doing the work (in various settings) for which we are preparing students. We're all learning; we're all teaching.

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